Tuesday 8 April 2014

Bucket List

I've already started writing my bucket list.

I figure if I start checking things off my bucket list when I'm young, there's more of a chance I'll get it all done. 
Way too many people think they'll have a ton of time to do all the things they want to do, but realistically, life happens and most people don't ever end up doing the things they thought they would. So many people end up being forty with a family and a husband and way too many obligations to be able to get away travelling. 
A huge portion of my bucket list involves travelling. Since a lot of my goals will require some serious cash, I plan on going to pharmacy school and then working as a pharmacist for a couple of years. I'll save most of the money I make to knock a lot of my goals off this list. 

1. I've knocked one thing off so far. This past summer, I convinced my mom to come skydiving with me in July. It was amazing. We got photos and videos during the dive...which led me to discover I do not maintain a very model-esque face while free falling through the air. One of my nostrils also appears to be taking in far more air then the other. Regardless of my free falling facial deformities, I still sometimes show people the photos just because it's so awesome. AND its the only thing I've crossed off my bucket list so far. 

I'm going to post the rest of my bucket list on here, a few things at a time. 

2. Do the overnight hike to Machu Picchu in Peru.  

3. Go on the "Swing at the End of the World" in Banos, Ecuador

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