Wednesday 9 April 2014

Map Crunch

Honestly, if someone asked me if I have a hobby, the only thing I could come up with right away would probably be stumbling...As in Stumble Upon. I have actually stumbled on the coolest stuff. A lot of the things on my bucket list were featured on travel websites I "stumbled upon". I even found this awesome website where you can pick a place out of a list of countries and it'll drop you right onto the street of that country. It almost feels like you're there. How else would a person get to see what countries like Slovenia and Swaziland look like from street level? It's the cheap and pathetic excuse for travelling, but it's FREE and FROM MY COUCH! And it lets me dream of when I'll actually be in some of the countries, seeing the sights out a car window instead of on my laptop screen! 

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